An herbal extract is the herbs essence or oils mixed in a solution-usually alcohol. You can use extracts to flavor candies, baked goods, make your own perfumes, or make scented candles.
How to Make Your Own Herbal Extract
Step 1: Gather your herb of choice fresh from your garden or the market. Using a mortar and pestle, grind down to a pulp the selected herbs.
Step 2: Once they've been mashed, take the herb and put it in a solution of either alcohol, pure distilled vinegar, corn oil, sunflower oil, or olive oil.
Important Note: If you are using alcohol, never ever use Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol - this is not meant for consumption.
Important Note: If you are using alcohol, never ever use Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol - this is not meant for consumption.
Back in the day our grandmothers and their mothers would use 180 proof edible alcohol, but that is a little tricky to find these days. So instead, use vodka! Vodka is half water half alcohol in equal volumes in 100 proof.
Step 3: Get your proportions correct. The measurements of herbs to liquid of any of the liquids mentioned above to use for your extract is 2 Tbl. mashed herb to 3/4 c. liquid.
Step 4: Mix and shake the solution well, keep in a warm spot in your home, and shake daily for 3 weeks.
Citrus Extract Recipe
Peel away the outer skin of your citrus of choice- this layer is called the Zest. Be careful not to use the white layer beneath called the Pith.Fill a wide mouthed bottle about 1/3 of the way up with your fresh zest. Next pour in to fill the remaining 2/3 of the bottle with alcohol.
Let this mixture set for 2 weeks, shaking its contents 2 times a day. Strain out the zest chunks, and then bottle your new citrus extract.